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What is a pedestrian safety reflector and why use it?

Safety reflector is essential in road safety for pedestrians.The role of safety reflectors in the prevention of road accidents is undeniable.

Make yourself visible

Give yourself a chance to be seen by car drivers!

A reflector exponentially increases the visibility of pedestrians in traffic. Visibility with and without a reflector, using low beam headlights, are shown in the following image. 

Speed and Distance detection with Reflector

In fact, a vehicle traveling at 80km/h with low beams on will only detect pedestrians without a reflector as little as 30 yards away, while those pedestrians with a reflector are detected at 150 yards away. One and a half football fieldsgives car drivers a whole lot more time to react and avoid hitting a pedestrian!

When, where and how to use?

Whether in a large city, urban, suburban or rural area, it is recommended that whenever you are walking, cycling, or in a personal mobility vehicle (PMV) - use a reflector during twilight, low light hours or during night.
Safety reflector hanging in bike.
Use safety reflectors in your coat.
In a dark urban environment, a reflector is a very useful product to ensure your safety. Motorists can see you more confidently.

Street lighting does not guarantee that vehicles see pedestrians! In fact, reflectors decrease the number of injuries in cities most dramatically.


While they can be placed almost anywhere (handbags, backpacks, computer cases, umbrellas, dog leashes, clothing sleeves, trouser pockets, jackets), reflectors are most effective when hung from your side and left to dangle to the front, back, and both sides to catch the headlights of moving vehicles.


A high-quality safety reflector is designed to improve pedestrian visibility for vehicle drivers and prevent pedestrian accidents. It has great potential to save you being hit by a car! 


In addition, as indicated in many general traffic regulations or even laws in some countries, pedestrians must wear a retroreflective element when they walk or move in traffic between sunset and sunrise.

Who should use a reflector?

Personal safety reflectors are a standard in Finland today and the Finnish Road Traffic Code requires pedestrians to wear reflectors when traveling on the roads after dark. 
use safety reflectors in urban city traffic also

The use of a personal safety reflector significantly increases the visibility of all pedestrians, runners, cyclists, electric scooter users, pets such as dogs and other vulnerable road users. Carrying a reflector is the norm and the practice that is instilled in Finnish children at a very early age. It is highly recommended that kids going back to school use a reflector!

Pedestrians and cyclists are very vulnerable in any road accident

By taking care of our visibility we reduce the workload at hospitals and safeguard our ability to continue studying or working for the wellbeing of everyone in society. This has tremendous economical effects.  

People who want to bee seen

It is very important that young people are aware of the benefits of reflectors, they have the power to interact especially with each other. 

Not only is safety combined with fashion and functionality, but wearing them can be fashionable, attractive and fun! 


Safety reflectors have become something of a fashion statement: these stylish and attractive accessories are especially good for city dwellers who want to be seen.


Now available in a variety of attractive colors (white, yellow, green, blue, pink, red, orange, copper, black, and lilac) and a variety of fun shapes.  They can also be personalized with graphic art or printed messages!

 In this video, the Finnish rapper Messy Mic collaborated with us.

How does a reflector work?

Quality reflectors work in the following way: the incoming light is broken 3 times inside the prisms of the reflector and then this light is sent back out towards the origin (this is what is called retro reflectivity, very different from the light scattering that reflective clothing usually does).


Mirror effect


Diffusion effect



The reflective material reflects light back to the light source. Example: A reflector reflects light from the car's headlights back into the driver's eyes.

Features of a good safety reflector

An appropriate reflector must have sufficient reflective surface area, which is a minimum of 15 cm2 and a maximum of 50 cm2. In the case of pendant reflectors, it must be reflective on both sides as they are designed to hang, swing and therefore blink. The maximum thickness of a reflector is 10mm which guarantees the blinking which our brains easily recognize as a pedestrian. Well made prism reflectors are visible from a minimum distance of 150 meters (with low beams).

hang a safety reflector in your bike

Safety reflector hangs, swings, and moves easily back and forth.

order printed reflectors with your own logo or brand.

Safety reflector is totally flat. That's why it blinks when it moves.

colorfull and beatyfull safety reflectors

Safety reflector is internally composed of sharp and hard prisms. The sharper and harder the prisms, the better the visibility.

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